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And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” Revelation 14:13

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest ARABA SAM-TAGOE who was born on December 13, 1979 and passed away on June 23, 2013. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.
Your passing away was sudden and we are still in disbelief and shock that you left us so soon.However we know that  your love for the Lord is an encouragement because you are resting in the bosom of our Father in heaven.


The one week celebration of Araba Sam-Tagoe will be held on June 29th at 4:30pm.

Venue: 880 Riley Court Mississauga (Tomkin and Dundas)

Viewing will be held on July 6th (9am - 12pm). Followed by a memorial service at 12.30pm. Reception follows shortly after
Venue: Scott Funeral Home. 420 Dundas St. East, Mississauga, Ontario L5A 1X5


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1010570_174778299370479_315147258_n ARABA AND DAD ARABA SEEING HER MOM AFTER MORE THAN A DECADE little-araba 249112_10100476058792376_1157266889_n moi2 529734_10100229411884756_710585337_n 2 a11A1 Scan0001 a16a 19234_690216679296_7349268_n 25 234_555846777656_8020_n 24
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